Finally Publish Your Book

Cyclical Publishing Writing Community

You shouldn't have to write alone.

For many writers, it’s hard to write when you’re doing it alone. Without a community to normalize writing and support them, they procrastinate. They also don’t get the valuable input they need to write their best, most faithful material. Finally, their valuable content sits on a hard drive, hidden from the world.

The Writing Community helps authors move towards publishing.

Learn the Roadmap

The publishing journey can be confusing. Get clear on where to start and what the path ahead looks like, whether you’re self publishing, or looking to work with a publisher.

Get Support from Peers

Too many writers write alone. With a community of peers encouraging you and sharing their learning, you’ll be more energized and encouraged in your writing.

Publish Faster

It’s easy to get stuck in the middle of your draft. By having a monthly touchpoint with other authors, you can quickly move towards your goals for publishing.

Who is Cyclical Publishing?

We started Cyclical Publishing in 2020 when authors from our networks asked for help getting their book out. We are only able to publish about six or seven books a year, and we didn’t want to turn authors away. 

The truth is, with guidance and a supportive community, many of them could successfully publish on their own.

We began the Writing Community so we could help authors build an audience, write their manuscript, and publish their books. We hope you’ll try it out and see if we can help you publish your book this year.

Brendan McClenahan, MM, MDiv
Lead Publisher

Gatherings Per Month
Books Published

Monthly Gatherings for Writers

Writing Practices

As a writer, you will need to discover your own voice and develop your skills. During our writing practice gatherings, we engage creative and prayerful exercises. You’ll grow as a writer and as a human together with others.

Editing Masterclasses

You’ve written a few pages, and now you’re wondering whether it’s any good. Bring it to the editing masterclass, where a professional editor will review everyone’s work. You’ll learn from others and sharpen your writing skills.

Publishing Workshops

Publishing your own book can seem daunting. In these workshops, we’ll teach you frameworks for writing, editing, design, printing, and marketing. You’ll learn everything you need to know to launch your book well.

Join Today


Standard Membership*

*the Reduced Rate is available at $10.99 for those who cannot afford the Standard Rate

What You Get


During our gatherings we invite professional freelancers and authors to share with us best practices on writing.

In order to get your work published, you need to know how to edit and format it. We’ll teach you how, based on your publishing medium.

Your book will need a bit of layout and design before printing. We’ll give you some tips about requirements as well as how to make your design look professional. 

Whether you’re hoping to get a book deal with Cyclical Publishing or some other publishing company, we can help you prepare and put your best foot forward.

You don’t have to pay for ads. By adopting our strategy for how we grew our audience 500% in one year, you can do the same and grow your own audience ahead of your book release.


It’s easy to neglect the discipline of writing when you’re the only writer you know. With regular touch points with other writers, you’ll be encouraged to keep at it.

Every gathering, you’ll share how your writing is going and you’ll gather input from others about your material.

The Cyclical Publishing Writing Community is explicitly Christian. We gather authors who understand theology, prayer, ecclesiology and who are thoughtful in the way they engage with others.

Everyone else is committed to working on a book project, too. As you read and discuss their work, who knows what ideas they’ll spark in you!


Whether you publish with Cyclical Publishing or self-publish, you’ll have access to our team of professional freelancers who can help you with your project.

You might have a book idea that’s not quite ready for a book deal. That’s okay! Join the writing community and you can form your book idea as you go. 

Hate the idea of promoting yourself? Let the group promote your book for you, writing endorsements, reviews, and emails to their networks about your book release. 

When Cyclical Publishing wants to commission a book project, the Writing Community is the first place we’ll turn. Additionally, you’ll meet other authors who can partner with you in writing a collaborative book project!